Click on a state (or abbreviation) to see (search) selected theft related laws
Please note, the theft law information on this page is provided as a courtesy to help explain theft, shoplifting and stealing laws. There is no guarantee or assurance of reliability or validity. Laws change over time and this page may or may not be current. The code that is provided on this site is an unofficial posting of the State Codes. The files making up this Internet version of the State Codes do not constitute the official text of the State Codes and are intended for informational purposes only. No representation is made as to the accuracy or completeness of these sections. While every effort was made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the statutes available Outcome Alternatives® shall not be liable or held responsible for any errors or omissions which may occur in these files, they are provided on an "As Is" basis. Use of the information and services are at the sole risk of the user. There is absolutely NO INTENT to provide legal advice or suggest these links can substitute for compentent legal advice. For official versions of any state's current laws, the user is directed to that states Revised Statutes, all amendments and cumulative supplements thereto published by that state. Please notify the Webmaster if you find any irregularities in the statutes on this web site. The Webmaster will relay the information to appropriate staff to investigate the irregularities. The printed version of the State Codes should be consulted for all matters requiring reliance on the statutory text. If you were involved in a behavior that got you into an Theft / Shoplifting class you are encouraged to consider taking an online Theft / Shoplifting class,online anger class, anger course or anger education class such as the one provided by Outcome Alternatives®. Research shows Theft / Shoplifting classes andTheft / Shoplifting education can be an effective method at prevention of furtherTheft / Shoplifting problems. "Theft Talk"™ is an online Theft / Shoplifting class and an onlne anger education class about anger behaviors and anger emotions, it can be very effective if you want to manage your anger. Evan it was a small incident, an online Theft / Shoplifting class could be right for you!
Last Updated:
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Theft Talk ™